↑ The default wrapper starts playing as soon as the game starts, rather than muting while in the bar.The app ID (32380) may differ in some cases. Games with Steam Cloud support may store data in ~/.steam/steam/userdata/ / 32380/ in addition to or instead of this directory. ↑ 3.0 3.1 File/folder structure within this directory reflects the path(s) listed for Windows and/or Steam game data (use Wine regedit to access Windows registry paths).

↑ 2.0 2.1 When running this game without elevated privileges ( Run as administrator option), write operations against a location below %PROGRAMFILES%, %PROGRAMDATA%, or %WINDIR% might be redirected to %LOCALAPPDATA%\VirtualStore on Windows Vista and later ( more details).↑ Applications writing to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE will be redirected to other locations based on various criterias, see the glossary page for more details.10.4.2 Jedi Knight Neural Upscale Texture Pack.10.4.1 Jedi Knight Enhanced and Retexture Pack.10.3 Access advanced display settings menu.9.9 Extreme waggle/swing in first person view.9.6 HUD is missing or screen has black border.9.5 Seemingly low framerate or stuttering.